Climate change and Environmental

“Plant Resilience and Conservation for a Changing Climate”

  • Free, virtual symposium
  • 6 Featured Speakers
  • 12 Contributed Talks
  • Abstract submission is ​now open

Organized by the Botanical Society of America

and the BSA Ad-Hoc Committee on Climate Change

Symposium Overview

This Symposium is a global event organized by the Botanical Society of America to

  • build connections between botanical scientists, agencies with varying ​degrees of botanical expertise, and policymakers.

  • address the effects of climate change on flora.

  • identify future needed research paths and collaborations.

  • steer greater public awareness of the importance of plants in mitigating ​and adapting to climate change.

  • promote plant literacy to better understand this challenging issue.
Plant Outline Illustration

Symposium Main Topics

Day 1 - Responses of plants and plant populations to shifts in climate factors.

This topic considers epigenetic modifications, physiological adaptations, stress tolerance ​mechanisms, reproductive traits, and other topics broadly related to plant adaptations and ​factors such as temperature, precipitation, seasonality, altitude, drought, and atmospheric ​composition.

Day 2 - Conserving endemic species in the face of habitat loss and long-term shifts in ​climate.

This topic considers managed relocation of species (assisted dispersal or conservation ​introductions), climate-driven range shifts, seed banking for biodiversity, community-based ​conservation efforts, traditional ecological knowledge, and policy.

Botanical leaf Wildflower Line art
Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob

Abstract Submission

Included in this Fall’s symposium are 12 spots for ​submitted abstracts. Abstract submission is now ​open through September 15, 2024.

Symposium Abstracts

  • You do NOT have to be a current BSA member to submit an abstract
  • All abstracts must include a theme related to one of the two main topics ​described above.
  • Presenters will be expected to be available for both days until the schedule has ​been finalized
  • Presenters are expected to be available at the end of the day of their talk to ​answer questions and be part of the breakout rooms.

Get Tickets

Daisy flower element

To submit an Abstract:

Click here to access abstract ​portal and sign in at the top ​right.

BSA members can use their ​ID/Password, non-members ​can click here to set up their ​login information.

Featured Speakers

We are excited to include these experts on climate change.

Dr. Sally Aitken

University of British ​Columbia

Dr. Jill Anderson

University of Georgia

Dr. David W. Inouye

(Professor Emeritus)

Dr. Nicholas J. Kooyers

University of Louisiana, ​Lafayette

University of Maryland

Dr. Holly R. Prendeville

United States Department of ​Agriculture (USDA)

Dr. Tanisha M. William​s

University of Georgia

Plant Leaves Sketch Illustration

Sponsorship of this Event

Do you want to support the BSA Fall Climate Change symposium? Put ​your brand in front of 3000 BSA members, a global virtual symposium ​audience, and over 65,000 social media followers over 4 platforms!

There are several sponsorship opportunities ranging from the $500 ​Bronze level to the $5,000 Title Sponsor level, with increasing ​sponsorship benefits for each level.

Individuals can also support this event as a Patron with a gift of $150 or ​more. Your gift will help keep this event, and future events like it, free ​and accessible to the global botanical science community.

To learn more about sponsoring the 2024 BSA Fall Symposium on ​Climate Change, click here.